ClearWaves Water Softeners and Iron

When it comes to eliminating scaling in a water heater, boiler or evaporative cooler many NCT members use the ClearWave HD Water Conditioner manufactured by Field Controls. One frequent question we get is "Should the Clearwave be used with a water softener?" The...

Clearwave is the Way to Go

What do water heaters, strainers, shower heads, humidifiers, dishwashers, faucet washers, swamp coolers, shell-in-tube heat exchangers, etc., have in common? SCALE! Why is Clearwave the way to go? Straight from the customers, "After one week the flue temperature of my...

Choose Your Venting Options Wisely

There are many applications in the field where conditions don't allow for conventional methods equipment venting, or when existing venting won't work. When you're faced with the decision to add venting assistance, you have two basic options: Draft Inducers, or...
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