NORMALLY: $1,295

Sponsored by Southern California Edison

For qualifiying contractors*:


An NCI-trained contractor’s approach to heat pump system design

High-Performance HVAC Design and Redesign

  • Three days of HVAC Training
  • This class is for engineers, sales professionals, and in-house designers who own or plan to purchase Elite RHVAC software.

(800) 633-7058

lIVE, in-person instruction

Individual attention

hands-on testing & problem-solving

normally $1,295

Three day training

High-Performance HVAC Design and Redesign with Elite RHVAC Software

HVAC system design from a high-performance perspective using ACCA manuals J, S, D, and T.

In this educational experience, HVAC contractors will learn to accurately complete four stages of system design using National Comfort Institute™ (NCI) Principles and Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA®) Manuals J, S, D, and T using the Elite © RHVAC software package for new and existing homes.

Elite Soft screenshot

Who should attend?

This class is for engineers, sales professionals, and in-house designers who own or plan to purchase Elite RHVAC software.  Recommended for HVAC professionals with prior design experience who design or redesign systems.

*This special pricing is available exclusively to HVAC professionals who work in Southern California Edison’s territory. Your final registration is subject to verification for discount eligibility.

Discover more about NCI’s High-Performance HVAC Design and Redesign with Elite RHVAC Program:

This three-day course builds on principles learned in other NCI courses and applies them to the residential system design or redesign processes. NCI uses industry-approved standards for load calculations, equipment selection, duct design and grille and register selection.

High-Performance HVAC Design and Redesign Program Overview

Module One - the High-Performance Approach to Mastering Manual J

Heat loss and gain design principles and how they tie in with other NCI courses.

  • Prohibited practices
  • Data entry for a simple three room house
  • Redesign using real-world data in Manual J load calculations
  • Introduction to Drawing Board – A CAD approach to heat load design
  • Evaluating results of the three-room house
  • Extending basic principles to CAD layout of a 2000 square foot home
  • Module one recap
Module Two - Right-Sizing Equipment with Manual S

How to Use Manual J Results to Properly Select the Right Capacity Heat Pump

  • The AHRI myth
  • Differentiating between Manual J loads and actual equipment performance
  • Equipment extended cooling performance secrets
  • How to use manufacturer website equipment calculators
  • Using the Extended Performance Interpolation Calculator – reality-based equipment selection
  • Correctly sizing equipment with design rules, not rules of thumb
  • Module two recap
Module Three - Designing/Redesigning Ducts with Manual D

Improving duct system performance using software and NCI field duct sizing procedures to specify friction rate and velocity parameters.

  • Friction rate is not static pressure
  • 6-inch ducts don’t always deliver 100 CFM
  • Flex duct fantasies
  • Wye worry about cheese heads
  • Return duct myths
  • Module three recap
Module Four - Selecting Performance-Grade Registers and Grilles with Manual T
  • Interpreting Manual D results to select replacement registers and grilles that improve performance

NCI’s High-Performance HVAC Design and Redesign Training Fees:

normal pricing:


sce contractor pricing:


Upcoming High-Performance HVAC Design and Redesign Events:

[events show_filters="false" categories="high-performance-hvac-design-redesign-sce" event_types="sce"]
BPI logo

Course Qualifies for NATE, BPI, & Most State CEUs.

NATE logo

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I qualify as an SCE Contractor?

You must do work/offer services in Southern California Edison’s service territory. If you have any questions, contact us at 800 633-7058.

What is a typical training day like?

Generally in-person training days start at 8 AM and ends at either 4:30 or 5. Lunch and workbook are included. There are breaks throughout the day.

Does this class count towards renewing my NCI certifications?

Yes. This course counts towards 24 NCI CEU’s for air-side recertification. You can find all the details here on our Certification/Recertification page. Please contact us if you plan on also recertifying.

Does this class count for CEUs?

These classes are approved for NATE & BPI CEUs, and for licensing CEU’s in several states. Please see our page about CEU‘s for more information or ask us for more information about your specific situation.

What do I need to bring to the training?

Please bring an updated laptop, and be ready to learn. You will receive detailed instructions before the event.

Get Started Today! Call us at 800 633-7058 or fill out the form below to get started on the High-Performance HVAC path!

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