Advanced HVAC Online Training

These advanced HVAC technical courses are exclusive to NCI and can not be found anywhere else. As a purchase, all courses are available 24/7 for 30 days from when the payment is processed for the student that purchased the training. Courses include a certificate of completion that can be printed or saved upon passing or finishing the course and go into your account for easy access. You can attend the course as many times as you like during the 30 days. You can start and stop the course at any time. Returning to the course, you will be asked you if you want to pick up where you left off. All courses are fully voiced-over by NCI trainers and staff, include knowledge reviews and some include downloads to assist you in your learning experience.

The courses listed below are included for NCI Members who have added the Learning Excellence Online or Premium program to their membership, and all other NCI Members get a 10% Discount! Become a member to start saving for your whole team. Not a member? No problem! Every course is available for purchase.

NCI Fundamentals 101 Online Course

NCI Fundamentals 101

Techs - get started here, with NCI Fundamentals 101. These 10 modules will set you up to understand the basics of airflow, fan laws, returns and grilles, filters and more.

NCI Fundamentals 201 Online Course

NCI Fundamentals 201

Once you've mastered the basics with 101, step up to NCI Fundamentals 201. These 10 modules will set you up to understand Btu measurement, how to calculate HSPS and CSPS, estimating R-Value, and much more.

System Performance Testing Online Course

System Performance Testing

These modules cover the fundamentals of understanding HVAC system performance. Including how to measure it and how to calculate CSPS (Cooling System Performance Score) and HSPS (Heating System Performance Score).

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