NCI Webinar Series
Webinar Description:
Are there additional improvements I can make to the Systems I build for my customers?
Is there something I can add to the Comfort Systems I design and build for my customers?
What can I add to my bag of comfort tricks for testing, diagnostics and renovation?
Is Total Comfort what my customers have always been seeking?
NCI’s middle name is literally Comfort. We consider it our duty to consistently and constantly search out ways to keep you on the cutting edge and ahead of your competition. That’s just what we do.
In this webinar, Scott Johnson will introduce fundamentals and testing methods to be able to overcome customer comfort problems that have been previously undiscovered. Adoption of these perspectives can open up an entirely new paradigm for your company’s excellence in delivering Total Comfort Systems.
- What is Total Comfort?
- How do we identify the missing pieces for Total Comfort?
- How do we deliver Total Comfort to our customers?
The following positions (roles) will benefit from attending this webinar:
- Company owners, managers and design team
- Salespeople
- Field Technicians, Installers, and Comfort Supervisors
How will members of your team benefit from this webinar?
- Company owners, managers and design team will learn what testing skills and instruments are needed to perform advanced comfort testing and diagnostics.
- Field Technicians, Installers, and Supervisors will be introduced to the skills needed to properly test-in and test-out the indoor environment.
- Sales people will benefit by understanding the fundamentals and testing involved so they can explain in a simplified manner to customers what has been discovered.
Webinar Leader: Scott Johnson