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Profitable Register and Grille Change-outs


Quite often we can trace airflow problems to restrictive and/or poorly performing registers and grilles. In these cases why not offer your customer a complete register and return grille change-out package. High quality registers and grilles are available from manufacturers including Titus, Shoemaker, Continental, and numerous others. For example, some of these companies offer commercial quality slot diffusers with different finishes for residential as well as commercial use. A complete change-out can range in price from under $1,000 to several thousand dollars based on the quality of the products and complexity of the work.

Here’s a tip: When replacing painted-over grilles and registers, use a very sharp razor knife to break the seal between the register and the wall. Wallpaper blades are great for this purpose – use a fresh blade for each register and you’ll never have to worry about pulling paint off the wall again!

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